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The Long Way Back
25 juin 2008

Reaching the Caspian Sea

We have reached Rasht - the biggest city on the Iranian side of the Capsian Sea - yesterday evening. Rasht is actually 15 km away from the Caspian sea and we will see the long stretch of water only tomorrow when we ride towards the Azerbaidjan border (that we will not cross). The weather here is pleasant and humid, everyhting is green and the altitude (7 meter below sea level) is a change after the 2 nights spent above 2500 meter high in the breathtaking Valley of Assassins (no Assassins met so far by the way Marieanne!).

We are resting today as my tonsilitis has not gone away but worthened during the last days. The doctor has given me stronger antibiotics now and with the rest I am taking today we are crossing our fingers for my health to come back...

Still no time to send pics and long articles as the Internet connection is slow here and the firewalls set by the local government are making it a pain for me to write on this blog...I guess I will make a long update of the blog once in Turkey...

We will be normally crossing the Turkish border by Sunday... Inch'allah! And leave Iran which - I repeat - is a beautiful country that has been above our expectations - especially its people (I want to precise for the sceptical and sarcastic ones that no gun is pointed at my head while I am writing this!).

Salut les gars! Trop cool de suivre votre avancee! Juste pour vous dire qu'Anais a ccouché d'une petite Alma il y a deux semaines et tout le monde va bien! Gros bisous
Soigne-toi au maximum en Iran car ce sera plus difficile de trouver des médicaments pendant la traversée de l'est turc. Si vous passez près du lac Van -superbe région- en Turquie, et si c'est possible, allez voir les ruines de la ville d'Ani, ancienne capitale du royaume d'Arménie. vous ne serez pas déçus. J'attends les photos....<br /> Bonne route<br /> <br /> P.S<br /> De Mam: le cuivre est très efficace pour soigner les infections.
The Long Way Back
  • Frenchies on three-fifties proudly present : The Long Way Back - 7 000 miles back to France! Germain and Adrien - two Mumbaikar originately from France will attempt to come back to the country of cheese & wine on their Enfield bikes
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The Long Way Back